
How to order translation services
content creation
How to write ChatGPT prompts for content creation in 2024
USA lokaliseerimine
Localizing for the American Market
AI language-related tools
Interesting AI language-related tools in 2024
An overview of ten AI-assisted transcription applications
Estonianisms – Common Mistakes Estonians Make in English
German localisation
German localisation
Copywriter Stewart Johnson
How to Learn Estonian, and Other Common Estonian-language Myths
east and west germany
Typically East German
Top 5 countries with the most Spanish speakers
Not all German is the same
Anika Weiland
A somewhat different exchange year – a German in Estonia
How to order interpreting services
The Rosetta Stone: the Key to Solving a Linguistic Puzzle
meiliturunduse lokaliseerimine
Email marketing: how to localise emails?
intern Mario
Erasmus internship abroad: the story of a German
Complete guide to machine translation tools in 2024
style guide
What is a style guide?
ISO 18587 2017
Transly Translation Agency received ISO 18587:2017 standard certification for machine translation post-editing
toki pona
Searching for the perfect language: The case of Toki Pona
5 Essential Website Translation Tips for your Business
Elfdalian: a language hidden in the valley
Vene pühad 2024
Russian holidays 2024
Rootsi pühad 2024
Swedish holidays 2024
Leedu pühad 2024
Lithuanian holidays 2024
Läti pühad 2024
Latvian holidays 2024
Soome pühad 2024
Finnish holidays 2024
Eesti pühad 2024
Estonian holidays 2024
5 Reasons Why You Should Use an Editor
How to Write Headlines That Drive Traffic and Engagement
Words of the year
Linguistic Snapshots: Unveiling the “Words of the Year” from the Last 20 Years
10 countries with the most English speakers
Native translator
Native vs. Non-Native Translators: Pros & Cons
Mastering Machine Translation: Write Smart, Save Big
Latvian holidays 2023
Latvian holidays 2023
Lithuanian holidays 2023
Lithuanian holidays 2023
Swedish holidays 2023
Swedish holidays 2023
Finnish holidays 2023
Finnish holidays 2023
Russian holidays 2023
Russian holidays 2023
translating vernacular
Translating vernacular: how to overcome one of the toughest challenges in literary translation
eesti pühad 2023
Estonian holidays 2023
hispaania keel
Dialects of Castilian and Spanish
sugu keeles
Gender in language – what is the impact on society?
One person, two languages – an insight into bilingualism
afroameerika inglise keel
The immeasurable contribution of African American English to world language use
How watching Õnne 13 helped me learn Estonian
vastutustundlik ettevõtlus
Transly Translation Agency was awarded the gold quality label by the Responsible Business Forum
eesti keele õppimine
Learning Estonian as a Native English Speaker: An Outsider’s Perspective
Finnish holidays in 2022
leedu pühad 2
Lithuanian holidays in 2022
Latvian holidays in 2022
Estonian holidays
Estonian holidays 2022
Russian holidays
Russian holidays 2022
Swedish holidays
Swedish holidays 2022
crowdsourced translation
What is crowdsourced translation?
Translation or localisation
Localisation or translation?
Translating marketing texts
Translating marketing texts
Machine translation: the past, the present, the future
user manual translation
User manual translation and preparation
Translation and translation software
Translation and translation software
Ordering translation services
Ordering translation services
Frequently asked questions: ordering translation services
Website translation into Korean
Website translation into Japanese
Website translation into Chinese
A Beginner’s Guide to International English
common mistakes in English
Common writing mistakes made by non-native English speakers
press release
How to prepare a press release
translation agencies
How do you choose a translation agency?
Translating special-format files
translate contract
Contract translation – why choose a translation agency?
translating websites
The 10 commandments of website translation
website translation
What makes a great website translation?
translation of safety data sheets
Translation of safety data sheets
Toimetatud tõlge
Edited translation or unedited translation – that is the question
kontorist väljas
Out of office message in English, Finnish, Estonian, Russian, German, Lithuanian and Latvian
Choosing a copywriting style – 12 archetypes
Export to the Baltics – guide to entering the Baltic market
flag icons
How to use flag icons when translating your website?
translating the website
Translating the website and WordPress plugins (2018)
webpage translation
Website translation
technical translation
Technical translation